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© 2020 by Edna Yuan-Yuan Chia. Proudly created with  All rights reserved. 

W R I T I N G S    A N D    I N T E R V I E W S 


Recent academic thesis

Chia, Yuan- Yuan.   “The last treasure- the study of Beethoven Bagatelle op. 126.”  National Taiepi  University of Education Academic Conference of Piano Teaching (May 2019). 

Chia, Yuan- Yuan.   “A Study of Piano Nocturnes by American Composers Griffes, Barber, and Liebermann.”  Universty of  Taiepi    

    Journal of Arts (2018): 33- 64. 

Chia, Yuan- Yuan.   “The research of Sound, Color and Technique in Debussy’s Etudes pour les cinq doigts d’après Monsieur

    Czerny, pour les Tierces, pour les Octaves, pour les Degrés chromatiques, and pour les Arpèges composes.”  National Taiepi    

    University of Education Academic Conference of Piano Teaching (December 2012): 103-140. 




Chia, Yuan-Yuan.  "Breathe!!! What I have learned from instrumental conducting classes."  Yueh-Yuan 34, National Taiwan Normal

    University School of Music Journal (2011): 28-31. 



"What I am looking and longing for" In a special topic interviews series of National Nangang Senior High School Yearly Journal, 2012.


Personal Interiews, in an online article of Newart Inc. website, 2010. (Double click for interview contents)


Radio Interview. Voice of Han Broadcasting (Aug. 2018)

Radio Interview- Edna Chia 2016 recital . IC Broadcasting (June, 2016)

Radio Interview. IC Broadcasting (USC 3rd Taiwan Music Alumni Concert)

Radio Interview- Edna Chia 2010 recital . Han Broadcasting (January, 2010). 


Radio Interview- Edna Chia 2007 recital . Han Broadcasting (January, 2007).

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